April 2001 Newsletter by Randy Dean This was a very nice time. Always enjoy playing here. Seen a lot of new face’s. Seen some old one’s to….(ha)…..The pic. Of the 2 bunnies……? Not to bad at all…….. Thanks to Rod a.k.a. Radfick. For running Sound and Lights Great job…………. It was nice to see family out there for some…. Roxanne showed up again to. So did the Darboy/Kaukauna Clan……..Well check the web page for the next show there. It will be a great time for all………. Well let’s start by saying this night was unforgettable…… The night started out great. We meet new groupies…Always cool to see that happen…….. Then a wedding party dropped by. So the night really picked up. Man we where rockin………. Then the fight starts and wrecks the whole thing….. What the Hell is up with that? When that happens we have to stop playing for the night so please come out drink ,dance, party………. Be Nice though have a great time ok……….. Thanks to all who came out. Check to see when we are here again…….
Well this was great. We had a Blast!!!!!! This has to be another fav. It is a nice bar, also close to home. Sure was great seeing all the Fan’s from out that way…..Sold some more t-shirts Some lucky people won some t-shirts…..The pic of us all is great Check it out on the website… Hopes to see you all again soon ………………. Well hello all. This place kick’s some major ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would 1st like to say thank you to all the fans that showed up this was a great show. Check out the web page photo’s to see just how great the show was. Hell I even meet a women from Minnesota. When we play there again and if you have not been there come on out grab some food cuz after all they are a restaurant up until 10 pm then the bar opens and it is party time. Plus there is lots of art work to enjoy…… Check the web page for then next time we play there…………..
Well this was a nice time and a good way to close the month out. We started out a little slow but it didn’t take long for the beer to flow and people to come to party. There are some wild people in Clintonville. No doubt about it.. They like to fall a lot to when dancing….. Just ask jeff his mic stand got all bent out of shape. From some falls that took place. So great job and the partying there is also food here to eat so when you come see us get there early and have some great food… Thanks to all the fans that showed up here and the rest of the shows for that matter….. We love to play for the public So get coming out to support us and other local bands…… Keep Rockin… See ya next Month……. Send mail to Randy
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